Javier Moros
Assistant professor
Received his B.Sc. in chemistry from the University of Valencia, Spain, in 2001. He carried out his thesis work at the same university under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Miguel de la Guardia and Prof. Salvador Garrigues, focusing on the application of different chemometric approaches to analytical data obtained by vibrational spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy,thus receiving his Ph.D in 2007. At present, he is a postdoctoral researcher under the direction of Prof. Dr. Javier Laserna in the Laser Laboratory at the University of Málaga (UMA).His current research interests are focused on the application of optical sensing techniques, specifically, Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Raman spectroscopy,at stand-off mode in the fields of Homeland Security, Forensics & Cultural Heritage; coupling of sensor technologies, developing of approaches on spectral data fusion as well asdesign and application of chemometrics approaches for improving the performance of such analytical techniques; and fundamental studies of plasmas produced from organic compounds.